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Jasmine Olmo

I LOVE your File Folder games! I plan to use them to teach ESL to kids. I can't wait to see more.

Patti Rodway

New idea for Under Construction 1-20. Print onto magnetic sheets purchased from Staples - about $11.00 for 5 sheets and use on a magnetic board.


Just wanted to let you know I shared various of your WONDERFUL fild folder games with my readers (http://www.livinglifeintentionally.blogspot.com/2012/06/favorites-preschool-file-folder-games.html) Thank you for all the hard work & such beautiful file folders you shared with all of us!
Beth =-)


These folder games are just adorable. I love them! Thank you so much for sharing!


Fantastic work! I absolutely love your file folder games!

danilel karanja

Love the folder game,looks like anybody can play it regardless of age.

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