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Where do you get your cute colored file folders?


Any Office Supply Store--Office Max, Office Depot or Staples. It's a lot cheaper to buy the big 25 (I think) box than a smaller one.


Love the file folder games!! Thanks!!! :-)

supra shoes

i thought this was funny. Natalie Dee's comic shows what happens between egg friends when one them becomes a chicken. As Serious Eats put it...


I just found your site, looking for file folder games for my daughter. I LOVE them!!! So much cuter than any other file folder games I've seen. THANK YOU for sharing these!!!!


These are so cute! These are my fav. file folders so far that I have seen. Been making them for a while now. My kids love them, a lifesaver over summer break.
Thank you!!!


What an excellent idea for a game. Thank you!

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