« Math Problem-Solving Week 5: Patterns | Main | Hello Again... »



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I just love pattern games! Great ideas!!


Thanks for the great ideas!


Thanks for the ideas!


Thanks for all the great ideas!! Who won the classroom photo contest Lakeshore gift card yesterday?


Miss your updates. Hope you come back soon!


I just found your blog and really enjoy it. Are you still updating? I hope you do. You have great ideas!


The first line in the What's Missing pattern sheet, the green and orange balls -- look at the first blank (again, first line).

What's missing?
A: Nothing. To insert either a green or orange circle would be to disrupt the pattern. A true Kobayashi Maru if I ever saw one, haha.


PS Overall, nice stuff. Thanks.

Lisa Peterson

I just found your blog and I LOVE IT!! I hope that you will be back. This is my first year teaching and you've so inspired me just in the last hour - I can't wait to try some new things in my room.

ferrari mobile

People enjoy the characters are not happy.^

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