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You are a wonderful resource and I love hearing your thinking! Thank you for also sharing the link for the download so I can use along with my kindergarten class too!! I am loving your blog.

Suzanne Huber

I love these patterning ideas! I especially like how you've written questions to include patterning, problem solving, and ordinal numbers. Wow! Talk about Bloom's Taxonomy!! Can't wait to try this with my kiddos!

Margie Cioci

I love how to do your patterning! I also love the Math Journal where the students have to think of more ways to make the same pattern. I can't wait to try this!!!


I think these ideas are great! Wonderful break down!


I love your ideas! I am homeschooling and these are great for my daughter. Thank you for posting. Will you have more weeks to come?

Andrea Chouhan

I googled "Kindergarten Math Journals" and and came to your site-yeah! I found exactly what I was looking for. For the first time, I will be using math journals. I just needed some visuals to get me going and started. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for your progression of patterns (and LOVE your use of colour and size in your font!). Are the questions that you pose in the orange/tan boxes the same questions your students glue into their math journals?

Karin Weber

We start patterns tomorrow. This is AWESOME! Thanks!


Love it!!! Thank you!!! I am really very bad at math. Although, I have to admit, now that I'm almost 30 and trying to teach my own young children, I think I just never had a teacher attempt such fun, hands on ways of teaching. I am a very hands on learner.

I bought a beginning Math book for my oldest, whom is 5. I was looking threw the program and I came to the first week, last day, last problem. It says, "name this pattern" What?? I looked in the answer key and of course found ababab. What???? I knew I'd learn with my son, but not the first week! And in a pre-k word book!

I googled it and found you. Thank you so much! I am looking forward to this unit with my son. You seem very fun and creative. Thank you for sharing this and teaching me! A 28 year old mom who is hoping her children will have awesome teachers like you! But if they don't, I of course must make up for it. Thanks for helping me be a better mom!!!

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