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Cortney Lyon

Good advise. I agree with having and connecting wit friends that aren't teachers...it actually gives me an excuse not to talk about my students/class cause given the opportunity I'd swap teacher tales all day long.

Ashleigh's Education Journey

Our lists are very similar:) I agree that it's so important not to beat yourself up-that's an especially hard one for me.

Teacher Weena

I think I have too much planned.... to think I have a bunch of three year olds. The Nursery will open on Sept 4 after the Eid holidays here in Doha... plenty of time to rethink my weekly plan.... maybe to focus on routines... Thanks for the advice! Mwah!


this is my fourth year teaching kindergarten... and your advice helped me so much. all so true!

thank you. =)

roger williams

Thank you for the well-wishes. As a new teacher, it is comforting to hear experiences of senior teachers who shared their thoughts on being the newbie in school :)

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