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Chris Saundes

I am so glad to see your post!!!! I would love a copy of the blackline masters you showed above--is that something you could post?
Thanks for your creative sharing!!!

martha brown

Thank you so much for sharing this! It couldn't have come at a more perfect time for us!


So glad you are posting again! Your blog is one of my favs! Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!


You're back!!!! Yay!!!!
You just made my night :)


I agree. We missed you!! You are so full of great ideas. Keep them coming and we really appreciate yiu time and work.


I would also love a copy of the masters!


Your site is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing all that you do!


Yay! You are back. I used your site so much at the beginning of the year and then you disappeared. I was worried about you but know how hectic it can be trying to teach, keep up with a blog and have a life! Great to see you back!


Oh, I love the problem solving! This goes right along with the expectations of Common Core. Would you mind sharing your blacklines for the journals?

Liz Mccaw

Just excellent! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and resources.

Liz Mccaw

Anna Papazoros

WHat an amazing site!!!! You are an amazing teacher! Thank you for your wonderful ideas!


I am with Chris--blackline master would be great. :)


Hey guys....
The blackline masters are there already! Just click on the download links.


I'm so thankful I found your site! Your ideas are fabulous. More amazing is thaT YOU HAVE SUCH A BIG heaart to share all your creations and finds!

Suzy Butler

Love your math journal ideas!!! Thank you so much for sharing :)

Mumtaz Najeeb

Your sight is just awesome. You are great teacher!

Sandy Heller

Thank you so much for sharing the math journal writing ideas. I can't wait to have my students write about their 2 dimensional shapes.

Megan Luster

I would also love a copy of the blackline masters!


Can you purchase the paper pattern blocks or do you trace & cut your own? thanks!


Love the ideas! Thanks! I am downloaded the 3D PowerPoint but can't view it...it just lists a bunch of files. Did I miss a step?

Mumtaz Najeeb

Thanks for posting all the great ideas about 2D unit.

Mumtaz Najeeb

I love love your ideas. They are creative!

kathleen wright

This was a great post with lots of ideas on an old topic. Very helpful. Thanks. Kathleen


Absolutely awesome. Thank you very much for your hard work! I am excited with every idea you share. This is what teaching is all about: opening minds through discovery.


These activities are great! Thanks for sharing!

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