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Maureen Conroy

I love these sight word pages. This is just what I was looking for to do some review work.

Thanks for everything you share with all of us!


This is just FANTASTIC - thank you!!!

Cindy Vance

Thank you very much! I am tutoring two twin girls from Spain. They are currently in 1st grade and will likely be repeating. I am helping them to learn basic sight words and these will be a real help!

Erin Huber

THAnK you THANK you THANK you! I love all your stuff!

A very appreciative 1st year teacher!


These are awesome! Thanks for sharing them.

Happy Blogging!


Thank you so much for the Sight Word Pages. They are absolutely fabulous! I appreciate your hard work and thank you for sharing them.


Many thanks for these wonderful resources!

Jenny Futch

These are great!! Thanks for sharing.

Christina Knox

These are awesome. I would love to see you create some more.

Amber Unger

These are so useful. Thank you for sharing!! :)

Susan Gates

Thank you so much!!!! I love the font and pictures too:)

Linda Brown

these are fabulous! hope you do more!
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!


Super Fantastic!! Thanks for sharing!!

newest stalker!!

Jackie Gray

These are GREAT! Thanks for sharing!


Love these! I am always looking for new ways to teach sight words. I as very excited to use these, especially with my really low students!! :)



Thank you for sharing these! They will be perfect for my struggling kinders! Looking forward to more! :)
~ Amy


Thank you SO much! I need these :) Okay...my kindys need these :)
I am grateful you shared....thank you.


Thanks for sharing these for free!


These are incredible! Thank you so much for sharing! I can't wait to see/use the rest! :)


These are fantastic!!! Thank you SO much for sharing!


Thank you so much! These are awesome and great for my students.

Anna Marie

Love the sight word page!!! Thanks for sharing:)


Thank you so much for sharing!! My kinders LOVE the packets and will actually work on them for longer than 2 minutes! Success!!!!


Thank you!


Thank you so much for sharing. I was just notified yesterday by my principal that I will likely be teaching Kindergarten next year. I am a very academic, high standards second grade teacher so I'll be frequenting your blog in the coming months. Thanks.

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