This is what one of my little boys said to me on Friday as we were packing up to go home. Not panicked, not excited...just very mellow... "Ms. Warner, I think there's a snake in my cubby."
Me: Very funny, J, now get packed up. We're running late.
J: No seriously, it's really a snake.
Me: J--it's not a snake. It's a string...or a stick...or some other random thing you've brought in from the playground.
Then 6 other kids jump up to see the "snake" and all start squealing... "A snake! A snake!" So I run next door (without stopping to look) and scream to my neighbor..."There's a snake in J's cubby!"
Brave Neighbor Teacher: Ha, Ha. Tell your kids that it's a little late for an April Fool's joke.
Me: No...I think there is. Please come look.
Brave Neighbor Teacher: Fine...I'll be the Super Hero Teacher. So Brave Neighbor Teacher walks in with confidence, takes one look and screams like a 5 year-old "Ahhhh.....a snake!" So much for the "Super Hero."
Finally, tiny, little sweet Ms. C comes in and rescues us all from the big bad snake by carrying it down to the office. In my defense, she said it was really much bigger when it uncoiled and started squirming. So a tiny little snake had me abandoning my poor defenseless children and running for the hills. I'm a terrible teacher! And I will never live this down (Yes, KE, I'm talking about YOU.)
I would have freaked out. I hate snakes.
Posted by: Sue | 04/07/2012 at 10:45 PM
That is too funny! I had a snake coiled up on my crates before during pre-planning. I bent down to do a little cleaning and I got a rat snake sticking it's tongue out at me:) I freaked out. My AP rescued me!! I hate snakes so I feel for you. My neighbor teacher had one in a cubbie as well.
Posted by: Angie | 04/08/2012 at 06:32 PM
My goodness! Where do you all live that you are getting snakes in your classrooms!? We may have to deal with rough winters with lots of snow in Wisconsin...but we do not have to deal with snakes, thank goodness!!
Posted by: Amber Unger | 04/08/2012 at 09:40 PM
I'm with you girl! We had a mouse problem this year and the screams coming down our hall were hysterical (as long as it wasn't in my room!)
Posted by: Lindsey | 04/08/2012 at 10:09 PM
I just love your blog and all your wonderful ideas. I have been reading non stop for days.
I nominated your blog for a top 10 award. Stop by and See.
Posted by: Sue | 04/09/2012 at 07:12 PM
OMG!! I have to tell you that I would have done the EXACT same thing!! I've identified which of my teammates would have been the Brave Neighbor Teacher and the Super Hero! I cannot stand snakes!
Posted by: Heather | 04/10/2012 at 09:27 PM
Loved the story!! I had a snake in my 5th grade class that escaped for 6 months. Never thought my fellow teachers would ever speak to me again!! Snakes I can handle. Mice not so much!
Posted by: Susanne Mercatante | 04/15/2012 at 07:54 PM
Some have stingers in their tails, others roll along like a living hula-hoop, while others have the capacity to drain a farmers cow dry.
Posted by: Creative Play Solutions | 02/28/2013 at 04:17 AM