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Thank you!My kids and I loved your packets last year, I can't wait to use these with my new group of kinders!

Kaylee's Education Studio

Thanks for these sight word pages.


These look great! Do you have more than 10 weeks? Just curious for planning reasons. Thanks!!


Love these. Can we still get access to Set 1?

Lisa Thornton

Thank you for sharing!


I love these!!!! Do you have set three?

Heather Atwood

please keep these coming! i am using them in my resource room. I have tried to make my own packets similar to the ones you've made but they are not as cute as yours. please please keep the packets coming! i will even pay you for them!


These sight word packets are a great resource. Are you planning to make a new set soon? If not, do you have a template to download?
Thanks for sharing!!!


Thank you so much for sharing these! I do not give homework but I have a girl in my class who wants homework so bad and these are perfect for her!


These are so wonderful. My students are learning many new words in a fun way. Thank you so much for making these. Keep going if you can.


Loved your set 1 that I got last year and I know I will love these as well. Thank you very much for sharing!

Pat Stine

Read. Color the word the correct color. Please explain the directions, my brain is fried

Kayla W.

Do you have more than the ten packets? Im a homeschooling mom and these packets are perfect for teaching my daughter her sight words! I really enjoy these!!! Thanks So Much!


Love these. Is there more than 10?



I am new this year to kindergarten. I love your ideas and will use them in my class. I am looking for your first set of sight words. I guess you
posted them last year.

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