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Tara West

I just LOVE your website. I really want to implement the math journal this year! I attempted a version of a 'cookie cutter' journal last year. However, it just didn't offer very much out of the box thinking and it ended up being more busy work. Your journal is just awesome! Also, I noticed in one of the pictures the kiddo was measuring a Journey's leveled reader! I'm always excited to find another Journey's user! Tara West
Little Minds at Work


This was soooo helpful!!! Thank you for being so detailed and taking us from start to finish.

susan warder

Your site and your lessons are innovative and hugely appropriate for little kids. I began using Math Notebooks last year and am excited about implementing more of the elements this year.
Have you listed anywhere on the site the order in which you present the different units? Looking at the examples illustrated here, (and knowing how kindies develop) the measurement unit seems to be late in the school year. What is is the sequence of your math studies? Thanks


I just love your blog, and your explanations of how you teach things. Thanks for sharing them, and giving confidence to others to do the same.

melissa clancy

Thanks for sharing these great ideas! The math journals are great and I love how detailed your students work it!

Constance Harrington

I also love your lessons and the level of detail you present. I'm also very interested in your time line for your lessons. Measurement is late in the year in our system's pacing guide, but there are so many opportunities for measuring throughout the year--their height at the beginning of the year, apples and pumpkins in Fall, their height in the middle of the year, etc. I'm pondering doing some of this at those times and revisiting during the designated time in March/April. Any suggestions?


I hope you post soon about the next part of your measurement unit! I would love a timeline of your math units as well! Such great information and ideas!

Cortney MacDonald

I am very excited to try some more investigations and use a math journal next year! Thank you so much for your blog. You are an amazing teacher.

Gail P

You did a fantastic job here. We use Investigations Math at our school and many of these activities are in that but your pacing seems smoother with more whole class work rather than "Math Workshop" which gets boring over time and often seems to drag or skip.


Hello! I love love love your blog. Your units of study are top-notch. I'm curious- do you have your math journal prompts available for purchase? I know many of us would buy! Thanks for all you do. :0)


Do you have math warm-ups, problem-solving activities, or math units available for sale? They look awesome!! Thanks for sharing ideas from your classroom :)

Christina Killeen

I have spent countless hours pouring over your site!! You are such an inspiring teacher. You inspired me to try math journals for the first time this year and I am loving the whole process. Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas and for being so generous with your resources!! You rock!!

Marilyn Benbow

Thanks for the detailed lessons. It is just what I was looking for. I really enjoy your website because I am always able to find great ideas.

Bev White

Thank you for the details. I particularly needed help with appropriate questions to get the kids really thinking.

Chelsea Decker

This is Awesome! I was looking for some great measurement comparing activities, and this is it! Thank you for sharing! I'm sure my kinders will love it!

Beverly Garriga

This is great!!!! Can't wait to use them in my classroom!


This is the first time I have taught measurement, and your step by step guide was sooo helpful, as were the resources. Thanks so much!


Thanks for sharing some great ideas. Looking forward to trying them with my class.

Aubrey McGee

I will be starting measurement with my Kinders when we get back from spring break. I wasn't crazy about the way the curriculum set it up. This is perfect!! THANK YOU for sharing :)

Patti K-5

AwEsOmE post:) My favorite is the Wiggly Worms activity! Thank you for sharing!!


Oh my goodness! I am in love with this! I start my measurement unit next week and I am so excited to use some of your ideas. Love the wiggly worms, my kiddos will have so much fun with that activity! Thank you, thank you!


I agree with Tarah, I too am starting a Growing and Changing theme next week. Thanks for the excellent lessons I will be using with my 3s and 4s!

Elena Gruwell

Thanks for your ideas. I am teaching measurement this week and these activities are great to try on at this time.

Mari Poloni

I loved your lessons! Thank you for being my teacher. Thank you for sharing. I am interested to buy whatever you have for sale.


Such a wonderful post!!! Thank you so much!!!

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