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The Kitchen Witch

I really like the idea of reader workshops. I'll begin student teaching a Kinder class this fall (graduating in Dec.) and am so curious to see how the teacher I'm paired with will implement reading and writing for this age group.


After I read your last post on reader's workshop, I downloaded Reading with Meaning for my kindle. I'm so excited to learn more about reader's workshop and implementing a combo of this and daily 5 next year. Keep the posts coming.
Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

Georgia Ramsey

Where did you get your tree?


Thanks for all the great information! I have been teaching 1st grade for about 10 years! This will be my first year in Kindergarten. I am extremely excited about this move, but I am also very nervous! I have a question for you: When you are building stamina the begining of school and your kids are only able to read for about 5, 10, or 15 minutes, what are you doing in that short amount of time? Are you just walking around monitoring or have you begun working with small groups yet? At what point to you begin working with small groups? Thanks so much!

Cheri Hall

What is your tree made of? Did you buy it or make it? Thanks!

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