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Tonia Vento

I am very interested in your reading workshop. I look forward to your upcoming posts and I will become new follower.


I read Reading with Meaning a few months ago, and was really intrigued by her readers workshop. I am very excited to hear that you were able to make it work in your Kindergarten class. That is my goal for the next school year. Can you tell me how you sat up your classroom to be able to supply so many books? The students were really able to pick a book that was on their level, and read the whole time? I just have some concerns. I look forward to your upcoming posts. Thanks!


Love this post. I'm really interested in Reading workshop. Thanks for the book resources. Can't wait to check out more of your posts about it.
Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten


I recently read The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller and have been trying to teach my students to not just learn to read but to learn to love reading and the workshop method sounds like it would be great for that. Please post some of your ideas before fall so those of us who want to implement it can prep for it. Thanks for sharing.

Liz Mccaw

I love all of those books! I am writing about balanced literacy in Kindergarten (BC, Canada) and am looking forward to your posts about reading workshop. What does the rest of your literacy program look like? Would you mind if I referenced your blogs about literacy

Liz :)

Jonelle Bell

OK...I so want to take the plunge. I have been playing around with guided reading and Daily 5, but haven't come up with a schedule that I am in love with. So spill the beans...do you teach all day, how long is your reading workshop block, what does your reading workshop look like if you are not doing Daily 5 and what books do you use? {If you taught across the hall from me this would be sooooo much easier:)}


Thank you for such an inspiring post. I'm sold. Just went to amazon and purchased the first two books. Can't wait to get started!


You are a woman after my own heart!!! I see all these blogs and TPT with LOADS of cutesy, theme heavy, busy center work and I think Is this what our education system has become. I stopped doing centers three years ago and I have not looked back! I've recently written about this on my own blog:


Thanks for writing such a great post, I'll be back!


This is all very exciting to me! I want to know more...NOW!!!...I very much want to start this concept in my room this fall...but have so many questions...I know it is your summer too, but I would love to hear more...as Jonelle said, "this would be so much easier if you were across the hall from me!"....fingers crossed you will be inspired to tell us more!! (soon!)
Thank you for sharing your true love with all of us....

Little People Learn

I wonder how you manage, plan, differentiate and control kids during the reading sessions. Do you group them? How about the kids who is not familiar with phonics? Thank you in advance!


Great ideas. I am blessed to get inspired by you. I am curious on the books the kids read is it literature or leveled readers? I have a district mandated reading series. I am assuming the mini lessons are things like phonics, etc??? Can't wait for more posts on this topic.

Enjoy your day,


I can't tell you how much I love seeing an email saying you've posted I always learn a ton!!!



I love this post! My mentor teacher gave me Reading with Meaning during my first year of teaching - and my copy is literally falling apart because I love it so much. Thanks for sharing!


please tell us more. im starving for this info. general guidelines & esp how to begin in kdg. thank you for getting those of us interested on the write track.


Thank you for sharing. Just pinned this! I can't wait to read more of your Reading Workshop posts!! : )
I am reading Growing Readers and L-O-V-E it!


I do Readers Workshop in my classroom and have for the past two years. My big problem is getting the kids to actually be engaged during their independent reading time. Most of my students would tell you that they don't like Readers Workshop. HELP!!!! How can I help my kids love this awesome part of their day? Can't wait to read your posts!

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