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I have been looking through all of your posts... and I wanted to ask... Will you be MY science teacher? HAHA! Thank you for all of the ideas and all of the work you have put into this. I am so glad to see a teacher that loves who and what she teaches! Your passion is inspirational!

Kelly Shults

This unit looks great! I know my kinders will love it! It is on my wish list until I get my 10,000 other items marked off of my to-do list before the beginning of school! Ha! Anyway, I am super excited about your math journal prompts. I was just thinking how I wished you had something for sale that would help me with this.. and was happy to see it is in the works! Thanks for all you do! I have been a follower for some time now and am always inspired by you!


VERY cute and great info. Added to my wish list. Hoping there's going to be a BTS sale!

Tricia Richard Linsang

Hi, how can i purchase your five senses book.

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