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Miki Kelly

This is awesome!! Thank you for sharing! I love the video!


We cover the 5 Senses at the beginning of the year. I will definitely be using some (if not all) of your amazing ideas!

Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

Rachel Evers

This is a terrific post! I love our senses study--this is such a great way to make it a class project! thanks for the visuals! I've pinned and hope I remember to find it when the time is right!! :)


AMAZING work! i love all the lessons you do.
You are very creative teacher. I have used many of your lessons in my classroom and will definitely use this one also. Thank you for sharing. Wish you all the best always :)

janice sumner

Thanks for sharing your creative ideas!!! I am looking forward to your Senses Unit on TPT!


Wow! Such an amazing idea! Thanks for sharing.


I teach first grade - not K - but I sure do love this book!

Linda Coats

Great ideas! Thanks for posting. :)

Nicole C

Wow! I love the finished product. What a great way to use the anchor charts. Thank you for sharing as always. :)


How do you make the textured shoe rubbings? LOVE this idea. Thank you for sharing!


great book. will surely try to use it in my class soon


Thank you! You've helped me to expand my unit on Five Senses. Wonderful ideas. Thank you for sharing!!!!

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