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Kathryn, thank you for the wonderful video on flexible seating. I just finished my 20th year in JK and I am moving to SK next year and as I contemplate what I want to do, flexible seating was high on the list. You have provided me with so many ideas, practical information, do's and don'ts that I can't wait to make my list, ponder what I might do and begin gathering some new seating options. I really appreciate the details and I am sure I will revisit this video often.

yahoo login

Through your pen I found the problem up interesting! I believe there are many other people who are interested in them just like me! How long does it take to complete this article? I hope you continue to have such quality articles to share with everyone! I believe a lot of people will be surprised to read this article!

David Martin

Students feel empowered by having some degree of choice and control over their environment. Flexible seating allows students to choose where they work and with whom. It also allows them to change their location and positions as needed.

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